Long time no blog. This morning at Zeum we had a World Savvy workshop about photography, censorship & the media. When I first heard the words: censorship and the media, I immediately thought of human rights, the Iraq war, and Google. The news informed us of China trying to limit search results on Google, and the US government trying to cover up the current situation in Iraq. But today we focused on things a little closer to us, like censorship of our school newspaper or artists we listen to. By seeing censorship in a new light, I got to learn more about how it affects me everyday.
When I got to the workshop, we started doing the agree/disagree activity. A situation was presented to us and we chose whether to agree or disagree. After all the situations were presented, we would discuss each one and why we made the decisions we made. At first, everyone stood firm on their side, but once we discussed each one, "what-if situations" were thrown at us, making us question our choice. In the end, it was clear that it was hard to draw a line between censoring to prevent offensiveness and profanity, and exploiting censorship as a way to manipulate the public. Our next activity was an experiment to see how much of what we see in the media is controlled by one big corporation. The results were mind shocking, showing us that though we may get our sources from a couple different places, most of them are owned by one big corporation that could possibly be just showing us a side of the story that they favor.
Through these activities, I got to see how censorship is closer to me than I once thought it was. Censorship, like most things, has a good and a bad side. It all depends on what you limit and where you draw the line. But once you allow one thing to be uncensored, it opens many other doors and controversies over what else should be uncensored. Often, different people will view one thing differently. Some people may be offended but some may see it as perfectly fine, and wrong to censor. Even at school, you may think it's right to have the school censor things like profanity on the school newspaper, but what if one teacher thought that a certain article was inappropriate and the writer didn't? The battle of censorship rages on, and the decisions towards what should be censored is affecting our view of the world everyday. Sometimes what we think is the truth, could be just one big corporation showing you their favorite side of the story to try to get you to think a certain way. In a world where everything is controversial and the truth is debatable, where should censorship in the media stand?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My imagination grows bigger and bigger everyday. There's always something new to think or write about. My inspiration comes from the mind and it sees, my heart on how it feels.
I like to write about dreams i have sometimes, kids n how i used to be when i was a kid, and what moods i feel through the end of the day.
I also get ideas from music like Marvin Gaye, Al green, Marc Anthony, and other oldies.
I started writing when I was in 5th grade. I was always quiet all the time mostly my whole life cause I was shy so much of the time that i got to used to it. So with my shyness i started writing in class and my teacher look at what I was writing and said that I was good. It keep on going on on through school years, all my English teachers said I was gifted or something. yeah writing is my thing. Later on I am going to do a project here at zeum. like a slide of pictures and have a poem reading out loud in my own voice using the tech tools here. I'll come up with more later.
here is an example of my writing...
It Ends Tonight
My days are going by fast.
They are not going to last.
They is no point on going on.
All I have lived for is done.
Why should I make myself suffer this long.
To stop this heart to keep on beating,
for what I am feeling.
It ends tonight.
falling from the sky.
This is the day I die.
the end
I like to write about dreams i have sometimes, kids n how i used to be when i was a kid, and what moods i feel through the end of the day.
I also get ideas from music like Marvin Gaye, Al green, Marc Anthony, and other oldies.
I started writing when I was in 5th grade. I was always quiet all the time mostly my whole life cause I was shy so much of the time that i got to used to it. So with my shyness i started writing in class and my teacher look at what I was writing and said that I was good. It keep on going on on through school years, all my English teachers said I was gifted or something. yeah writing is my thing. Later on I am going to do a project here at zeum. like a slide of pictures and have a poem reading out loud in my own voice using the tech tools here. I'll come up with more later.
here is an example of my writing...
It Ends Tonight
My days are going by fast.
They are not going to last.
They is no point on going on.
All I have lived for is done.
Why should I make myself suffer this long.
To stop this heart to keep on beating,
for what I am feeling.
It ends tonight.
falling from the sky.
This is the day I die.
the end
Sunday, October 21, 2007
What's up with YAC
Zeum has recently started something called YAC, the Youth Advisory Council. It is a group made up of ZeumMasters, and run by ZeumMasters. YAC was started so that the ZeumMasters, the teens working on the floor, have a voice in their internship program and can have their ideas implemented into their own experience.

I decided to join YAC so that I can contribute to this experience and help bring everyone's ideas or concerns to the table. I like the fact that I am part of a team with other people my age, working together to benefit and satisfy everyone. We discuss issues happening on the floor, and come up with fresh ideas that will hopefully help make the day for our visitors.
Lucky for us, Zeum cares about what we want to get out of our internship. They have created a group that will help support the program and contribue to the changes done to it in the future. YAC will make sure that the internship program can remain as a fun, fulfilling experience for current and future ZeumMasters. I am a member of YAC.
internship program,
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
James and the Giant Peach
This past Sunday, I went with my dad and my brother to see JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, starring Zeum's Jerrod and Perry. Perry played the grasshopper and Jarrod played the earthworm. In the story, James' parents died so he had to live with his awful aunts. He wished for a better life and his wish came true when he decided to run away and live in a peach and made a lot of new friends who were bugs. The peach rolls off the aunts hill and lands in the Atlantic ocean. They used their teamwork and skills to escape the man eating sharks. They had a lot of struggles but survived through the challenges and obstacles.
I wanted to write about this is because Zeum is all about story telling and performance and being creative... so I really felt like it was related. whether its through creating an animation or a production at the production stage and being creative and that's what the play is, creating a story
come to life and being creative.

The part of the story that affected me was when James ran away from home because at times I feel like running away because life at home can get hard. A lot of the times I have to a lot of the work like James...I get blamed for things my brother did. The other part that touched me was when James made friends with the bugs and they became really close and became best friends for life. I have a few close friends who are my best friends. I don't know what I would do with out them, that's how close to them. I also have a few close people here at Zeum, if something were to happen to them I would break down and cry. They are like my family.
The play was AWSOME. The actors and actresses did an amazing job especially since they had about 2-3 roles EACH and had to memorize SO MANY lines. They all seem so dedicated and put a lot of time and hard work into making the show ...you can tell. Just watching the play, I could tell that to be in a show like this, you have to have completely dedicated to what you're working on. That's inspiring. If you are not 110% dedicated you wont be able to learn your lines on time for the play. And also if your not 110% dedicated you'll probably not be focused during rehearsal which will determine how you do on opening night
When i talked to Perry and Jerrod after the show, they said it was great seeing someone from work seeing the play. they were excited to see me there and same for me. I was SO EXCITED to see them. the main reason i went was to see perry and to support him.
I can totally relate the experience of going to the theater to working at Zeum. Since we have a music production lab and a production studio, people learn to be comfortable with getting in front of the camera. When you do a play you have to be comfortable being in front of an audience or else you'll freeze up and mess the entire show up.
When I have to get in front of an audience of any kind I get so nervous. A lot of the time I feel so nervous my hand shakes, i feel like throwing up or I feel like breaking down and crying. I feel this way because I am afraid if people will judge me or make fun of me.
Since working here at Zeum, I'm not nervous talking in front of strangers.... for example when I greet them and explain what they can do in the room I am always perky and friendly but I still feel the same way if I'mtalking in front of people i know. I feel a lot more nervous talking in front of people I am really close to like my co-workers or friends.
I totally recommend seeing this show. It's at the Julia Morgan Center for the Arts in Berkeley.
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