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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Power In Film

I have always been interested in film making. As a little kid I was always messing around with a video camera. When you’re younger you really don’t know what you are doing but you are just so interested in it that you just keep playing around. As I got older my passion for film was becoming even bigger. I began to watch films that most kids don’t really watch. I paid attention to the methods in which the director portrayed their movie.

When I got into high school I learned the art of editing. I started off simple small little short movies with my friends and I. Then I moved on to creating skate tapes. I never thought I was that good at the process until I was assigned a school project in which I had to use you media to create a story about genocide. I took this project seriously because it was something important to others and not a project that can be half done. When I presented the movie I saw tears in the audience.

Unsure of what that meant I confided in my teacher. He told me that people can speak out through music, writing, and even film. I didn’t really believe until a woman whose grandparents survived the Holocaust told me how power that movie presented. I felt accomplished that I was able to speak out trough film. After that I fell into my slump of writing films and trying to develop new movies but none had that same passion in which I showed in my Genocide film.
It wasn’t until today that I hit point in which I was able to speak out. I was out going to film in downtown San Francisco. I was filming for my online video blog site. As I was crossing the street I heard the sound of a car spin out. As I looked I saw a white truck driven up on to the curb and hearing woman scream. I ran over with my video camera and began to film.

Watch my blog here

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