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Monday, January 19, 2009

We Still Dream for San Francisco

This morning, in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., ZeumMasters, Team Leaders, Ari, Irina and David shared dreams for San on...

I have a DREAM that everyone, especially children, can receive the same quality of education, despite age, race, color, religion or beliefs. Starting with teachers passionate about what they do. With that DREAM, parents and children forced to believe that they are incapable of moving up in this jaded society and a social class system that they think still exists, will be more aware of events and issues that aren't happening in SF but also around the world. Education is where it all be

The city and California need more funding for you
th activities to keep them off the streets.

I want San Francisco to be a place that is affordable, safe and welcoming for everyone.

MY DREAM = clean planet, peaceful earth, friendly people.

I HAD a dream that there would be less violence in San Francisco.

I have a dream that racism never existed. I have a dream that you wouldn't get killed by the color of your skin or your race. I have a dream where if you say you're not someone, you wouldn't get shot for mistaken identity. I have a dream to live in a peaceful world where there is no violence, guns, knives, killings and where we all get along. I have a dream where the economy would never be bad so everyone has a chance for employment and education...R.I.P. MLK, Josh and G-l...If we lived in a world without racism, y'all would be with us and not dead because of your race.

I have a dream that just as many people of color will live in pacific heights as white people and that people will not have reason to think of certain other neighborhoods as dangerous. I have a dream that San Francisco will pave the way for equality in as many ways as we can continue to dream of.

I have a dream that the economic crisis will end so that there will be no poor or homeless people, that everyone will have a job and be productive in the community.

What's your dream?

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