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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

First JOB

My name is Sammi and I`ve been a Zeummaster for nearly six months now . I feel like I just started working here yesterday. I found this job through a job-placement-program for youth.

And now I'm writing on a blog about it.

I had no previous arts and museums experience before working here. None! It is so cool to work at a place, in an area where I am not parti
cularly good at (art), and gain that experience and possibly improve on it everyday. For example, I explain animation to the visitors that come into Animators Studio and lead them through their activities. This wasn't easy at first. But more and more I'm able to say, help kids who are alone and don't know what to do - we create animations together. ;D

I always tell my friends that I work at Zeum and they get impressed by how a 14 year old could have this kind of job. So professional. Zeum is different, it's not like working at Jamba Juice. Most of my friends don't even work. At Zeum we do art and educational activities. Zeum has helped me work on my leadership and public speaking skills. So much...

One of my favorite rooms at Zeum is Animators Studio. this is the most popular room and it`s full of families at all time! They use clay characters and create an amazing CLAY ANIMATION. It is the best way to discover a person's art&crafts skills. Working with kids is a lots of fun, especially when they look up to you as a role model. It is amazing how a little piece of clay can make a kid's day.


John said...

wow I never saw it that way. I totally agree with that connection of Zeum not being like jamba juice. It is totally different. Good stuff :)

Angee said...

i love zeum! it isn't like any other job! and you're good at it too!

Paul said...

hehe i agree its no t l ike a ny other jo b...