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Monday, April 2, 2007


The second week of the personal history project = Memory. For this part of the project, some of us get to write about and have the opportunity to show imagery describing our memories. The memories can be either serious or not that serious, yet true. A "favorite memory". The memory project also allows us to be creative with our artwork and very open to anyone who might see it.

Meaning we could trust everyone who sees our memory projects.

My memory project is "How I almost gave up."

I live with my aunt, but wish i could live back home in LA with my mom, dad, two brothers, and two sisters. I have another sister but she is all grown up living on her own now, so she doesn't count. Because I don't live with my mom and dad I don't have that much support as I used to, which made my life very complicated. I was fifteen yrs. old when I almost gave up on school, work, and basketball. That was a year ago, not 2 long ago. So, what kept me to keep going was the support from my baby brother. He is three yrs. old and i've always wanted a baby brother. His name is Elisha (e-ly-sha) and he kept me to keep going because when I talk to him we joke around a lot and for some old reason I can see myself through him which is very weird.

So therefore, I can't stop now, I have my baby brother who looks up to me and what ever i do must be positive so he can catch on to my good example. I'm not only his big brother but his role-model also.

In order for people to see my work, not just read/ listen to my story,
I will show whoever wants to see pictures of my family. Individual pictures, groups of pair pictures, and just pictures to show people that there is no way I could give up on myself and a family like I have. It's impossible.

I'm working on scanning the pictures on the computer and setting them up like a slide show. In order to know whats going on, you will hear me, Joshua, talking from computer speakers about my memory project story on how I almost gave up but couldn't because of my reflection on my baby brother and my family photos. When I look at my family photos, there's no way I can give up now.


Sammi said...

wow! i didn't know you have a brother!! i have a brother too! && i feel the same way how he would look up to me as a role model. nice picture by the way! your brother is very cute!

M.T. Searle said...


thank you for sharing about your project, your brother, and your struggles. it is inspiring and it is fantastic that you are sharing it with other people. you never know who you might affect with your words.

i have a younger brother who i ignored for a long time. when i finally realized that i wanted him in my life he wasn't interested any more. we are just beginning to build a better relationship and i am so thankful for it because i wasn't sure if it was possible. it is so so so good that you are already realizing the things that you are.


Michael M. said...

Nice man, to have motivation is important since sometimes we can forget why are we working hard