I have always enjoyed working with kids and had a passion in arts and craft since I was in elementary school. I was pumped when I found out that at Zeum I was going to be able to combine both of them together. What more could I ask for? Well guess what? Working at Zeum gave me more than just the opportunity to work with kids and art. I received a priceless gift unexpectedly. The chance to help kids create big smiles and laughter. :D
Although I have only been working at Zeum for a month, I already have many fond memories. One that stood out the most was this one friday when two big summer camps came to Zeum around the same time. I was in digital workshop and I did not anticipate that I would have to get people to start a line to get into the room. I was working alone in that room and kids were screaming for help. Thankfully, I was laughing throughout the whole experience. I guess it is a natural cover up for me when I'm under stress, but the laughter pulled the stress right out of me. This one little 6 year old boy was too short to be seen through the camera so he had his friends carry him up and they ended up taking a group picture instead. It was hectic, but every kid was satisfied with his or her picture and their group leader thanked me. I was proud of myself because I handled the large group by myself and I managed to stay positive and help each kid individually.
Although I have only been working at Zeum for a month, I already have many fond memories. One that stood out the most was this one friday when two big summer camps came to Zeum around the same time. I was in digital workshop and I did not anticipate that I would have to get people to start a line to get into the room. I was working alone in that room and kids were screaming for help. Thankfully, I was laughing throughout the whole experience. I guess it is a natural cover up for me when I'm under stress, but the laughter pulled the stress right out of me. This one little 6 year old boy was too short to be seen through the camera so he had his friends carry him up and they ended up taking a group picture instead. It was hectic, but every kid was satisfied with his or her picture and their group leader thanked me. I was proud of myself because I handled the large group by myself and I managed to stay positive and help each kid individually.
Although I see my friends helping each other out in a daily basis, there's always that magic spark that jumps in my heart when I see young kids help each other. Kids offer help and in return, they just want to have fun. I am glad that Zeum can offer them a place where they can experience art and tech with their friends. Museums in general are places where kids can get an insight to a specific topic, but at Zeum, although it is an art and tech based museum, there are endless opportunities for the kids and their family to "create, collaborate, and communicate" at the same time.
At the end of the day, I would have probably received more than 100 smiles. Although some kids may not have grown all their teeth yet (haha), but those smiles are still worth a million!
Hi Amy,
Nice blog post! I really liked the way that you have expressed your enthusiasm for your job as a ZeumMaster! It's exciting to hear that you've been able to merge your two "passions" in life: kids & the arts!
I think that's something important to strive for -- finding meaning in our work, while enjoying it at the same time.
Please continue to share your experiences working at Zeum (for example: a challenge that you've encountered and how you've overcome it; an observation about a visitor; what it's like to learn from an educator...) I think our readers would like to know about that stuff!
Btw, that picture of you and the girls is very CUTE! :)
Joy Wong Daniels
Marketing & PR Manager
Good post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
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