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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Digital Comic Strip Finished!

I finished the digital comic strip! I made it with a computer program called Comic Life Deluxe. The program was great. Really interesting to learn.

To see what I'd written before about this project, click HERE.

For the strip, almost all of the images are symbols. The scale is a symbol of the balance and unbalance conflict. Paper money represents wealth and coin represent poverty. The black box in the third image represents the illegal activities of the wealthy people. The person that's kneeling on the broken glass with a no sign means no punishment, stop it. The sick lady laying on bed represents the poor because usually poor people don't have anything to eat and they would be sick and die. The birds flying behind the scale represent peace.

The strip is done. I was shocked by how amazing it looked to me when finished. It was so cool, I never expected it would come out to be this good. I feel really happy right now. This was the first time I've made a comic strip on the computer. Although I did on paper before.

1 comment:

Angee said...

i can't believe they actually wanted to make them kneel in broken glass. that's horrible. im glad you made this comic strip, because i never knew that they would want to do that. good job