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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Zaijian Zeum

Zaijian (JI-Jee-en) is "Goodbye" in Chinese.

W.O.W. I can't even believe tomorrow is my last day at Zeum.
Almost every single weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, I've been working here since October. Both days all day.

It's going to be weird for me waking up next weekend, knowing that I don't need to rush to work. Working at Zeum has been fun. There are always people who need help, and with my staff shirt on, they would come up to me and ask for help. It felt so good to help them. It was very cool when I taught the kids how to make animations, or a mask, or how to use photoshop, which had been new to me last october. Their creations always surprise me.

I've had to say no to my friends when they asked me out on weekends. or sometimes, after a tiring week of school, I've had to come to work instead of staying home and resting. I'm a busy girl. I usually felt tired when I'd think about coming to zeum at the beginning of the day, but always, after an hour or so, I'd realize I was enjoying myself. How many people can say that about work.

I never thought I'd have the communication skills, photoshop skills, and lots of art skills that I learned here. I've always been a girl who's not into drawing or art. but Zeum had inspired me. i learned that there are other ways to express myself besides drawing. Singing, making clay, photoshop.

Zeum has prepared me for the real world. Like how a working life is going to be. From 10:00am in the morning working all the way till 5:30pm toward the evening. I am glad that I have tried this. I have no regrets. I mean, I did lose lots of time during weekend from resting or hanging with my friends to working...

Everyday working here, there've been surprises and new things to learn about. It's been cool. and honestly, it's worth it.

This place, i will remember it forever.


Or hopefully, just "see you later".

1 comment:

Debbie said...

xi wang ke yi see you some time soon.